Monday, May 10, 2021

Dirty Harry Review


        I will always maintain that the 1970s is the best decade for cinema. It was also a transition period between the classical Hollywood to the new one. This is the movie where law and order is subverted from any notion one would have with authority. Clint Eastwood became famous for his appearance in the “Dollar” Trilogy, this film made him an icon. SPOILERS will appear. 

1. “Dirty” Harry Callahan 
        You would think at a first glance at the title, such as Dirty Harry one would think that it would be a porno. Since in that time, it was surprisingly popular. Anyways, Harry Callahan is the inspector for the San Francisco PD. He has his own methods with stopping a crime. We actually see him stop bank robbers when he’s visiting a burger joint. That’s when we see one of the most famous lines that is often misquoted. 

        Beyond that, he’s attempting to stop a deadly sniper in the city, who goes by the name of “Scorpio”. He leaves ransom letters that threatens to kill more unless he is paid. Harry throughout the movie tries to stop him, by using his own way of vigilante justice to stop the killer. Harry is in no way an anti-hero, he’s a vigilante. Meaning that he uses law enforcement without legal authority. This is probably the first instance where we see a police member become rogue within his department. 

        Now, when confronted by his superiors and the mayor that his methods are borderline questionable, he justifies it by explaining that the killer has a hostage. It’s probably one of the most interesting factors in the movie, and it’s him being restrained with what he can and can’t do. An attempt was made when the department assigns an officer to work with Harry. This is one of the best moments because we get to see Harry working with someone. It explores how he operates with someone besides him. 

        Chico Gonzalez played by the late Reni Santoni, is the one who really tries to understand why Harry has the nickname “Dirty”. We learn that when Harry rescues a suicidal jumper, he tells him that he’s called “Dirty” due to the jobs he has to do. We learn more that Harry doesn’t really like anyone. Although, we see that change when chasing Scorpio, he shoots Chico and puts him out of the case. Harry visits him when he is in physical therapy. It’s those small moments that give him depth and subtlety to show that he has humanity.

2. Real World 
        During the 70s, the bay area was plagued by the Zodiac Killer. To this day, no one knows the identity. There is one part where Scorpio takes a school bus hostage and Harry stops him. During the actual time, the Zodiac Killer threatened to harm a school bus full of children. I think it’s one thing to make a movie where a town is terrorized by an unknown threat. Especially when the screenwriters create a character to stop an unknown killer. I feel and it’s not corroborated with evidence, but I think the movie was a warning to the Zodiac Killer. 

        We might as well talk about the methods that Dirty Harry uses. Aside from the fact that an actual murderer was running around in the San Francisco area, crime was up during that time around the country. People really felt that the character was supposed to be the answer for the rise of urban crime that was going on. Nowadays, the methods are mostly questionable. This film can’t be made today for obvious reasons. Although, just a few years later, the film Serpico was released and exposed corruption that was happening in the NYPD. 

3. Legacy
        It’s no surprise that this film was a success. It propelled Clint Eastwood to icon level status and sequels were made after the film. I haven’t personally seen the films, in my opinion it should not have any follow ups. The ending is perfect since we see just how much has transpired and Harry tosses his badge. Feeling that his actions has alienated him to a point where he can’t consider himself within the law. 

Aside from that the film has been universally beloved and has made it in the countdowns for best films and best heroes. Copycats would appear after the success of Dirty Harry, some good such as Death Wish and Shaft. The bad ones including the final two sequels to Dirty Harry pretty much miss the point entirely with what the first film was going for. 

4. Overall
        This is probably one of the best films that I have seen from the 70s. It’s getting to be a large list, but everything about it such as the characters, the way it’s shot and small moments where it looks like a visual time capsule. Dirty Harry is one of the best action movies I have seen and laid the groundwork for a compelling character.  

        Dirty Harry gets a four out of five. 

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